A couple of things I would like to see (around bookmarks)

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really amazed by how anyone would be using this “forum”, a lot words like “discussion” but doesn’t seem like an forum for discussion or having some sort of “discourse” at least with an broader audience, for good or bad. since this thread would maybe go into off-topic, would maybe post my rants here.

an very “unfriendly site”, for what can be an friendlier browser.

Hello, thanks so much for getting in touch. Looking at your message, it looks like you might be interested in discussing bookmarks on Firefox or on browsers more broadly. I’m so sorry that this forum is for the Common Voice project, an effort by the Mozilla Foundation to improve speech technologies through the development of a community driven open source speech dataset.

While many of our users might have strong opinions on browsers and bookmarks, Firefox support portal might be a more useful place to find experts and community members interested in your topic https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/products/firefox

sorry, thanks for replying.
just got annoyed trying to find the space for an “public discourse” and didnt know if this place was for an project or the voice for the community? when the page is very “bloated” for an new user, for what the rules are, where to post, and can’t do anything about the published thread?

finding an official place to discuss firefox was a bit difficult.

edit: also did you mean this? not sure if its different when not logged in, and an reason as to why some of the pain of navigating some of these loops of links.