Is it possible to clear “offline website data” programmatically?

As known, “Offline Website Data” can be cleared as follows from the browser:


I want to do the same thing but programmatically, I tried to do that but there is no option to clear the “offline website data”:

browser.browsingData.remove({ }, {
    "cookies": true,
    "history": true,
    "downloads": true,
    "cache": true,
    "formData": true,
}).then(() => {
    console.log("data have been cleared.")

Is it possible to clear the “Offline Website Data” through web extension development?

You are correct, browsingData.DataTypeSet doesn’t have an “offlineWebsiteData” value.
Offline Website Data is probably a combination of several browsingData.DataTypeSet values.
(regular Firefox users don’t need the fine-grained control offered by browser.browsingData.remove())

The question is:
Which Web APIs save data that falls under Offline Website Data?

A quick Web search for “firefox Offline Website Data” finds Difference between Cookies, Cache, Site Settings and Offline Website Data?

So it looks like Offline Website Data is:

  • indexedDB
  • localStorage
  • and maybe others, like serviceWorkers

Hopefully someone from Mozilla knows more :slight_smile:

Thanks, I tried to do the following:

browser.browsingData.remove({ }, {
    "cookies": true,
    "history": true,
    "downloads": true,
    "cache": true,
    "formData": true,
    "passwords": true,
    "localStorage": true,
    "indexedDB": true,
    "serviceWorkers": true,
    "pluginData": true,
    "serverBoundCertificates": true,
}).then(() => {
    console.log("data have been cleared.")

But it clears everything except for the “Offline Website Data”.

I dug through Firefox source and double checked with an engineer and, unfortunately, it doesn’t look like there’s a direct equivalent to the “Offline website data” settings in the Browsing Data API.

@LionKing, could you open a bug report on and include a minimal reproduction extension that shows that you can’t clear offline website data?