Our addon is still in pending status

Hello !

Sorry to bother you, but our add-on is still in pending status is there any way to review it please?

Our extention is in disabled status for so long :frowning:

Hello @webverif, can you provide your extension ID please?

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Hello! Thank you for your question!

ID of our latest build that we submitted for publication: {cac6293f-5570-4186-a217-c8985fd59228}.
But we are not sure if this is the correct ID since it is based on a local build.

Or this link https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/franceverif/
But the extension is disabled now :frowning:

Thank you for the detail. It looks like your submission will be reviewed today or tomorrow hopefully. Sorry I can’t provide a more concrete answer.