To combine web applications on different frameworks

Hi, everyone!
Today, I have a simple question.
Do you have any way to combine web applications on different frameworks?
I mean, for example, a web application A developed using Express.js and another B developed using Next.js.
They are on a same server.

My point is, I would like to treat them with just one url domain like :// and ://
If you have the answer or some hint, please teach me.
Thank you!

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I am new here so i doesn’t have any solution.

Yes it is possible.
You can publish server-side applications using proxy_pass (nginx)
I use nginx for my angular application. It can be a bit complicated if you are not an expert.

search for this “diffirent web app same domain nginx”

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I have a question about combining web application with website. I am a developer, I made a web application three days ago. Now, when I connect this web app with this website. It’s performing going doing. i can’t point out the issue. Issue is the app buttons is not be working?

Now, I am here and doing brain storming about that issue. I want suggestions from here.

Combining web applications developed using different frameworks on a single domain is a great way to create a cohesive user experience.

  1. Use a reverse proxy server like Nginx or Apache to route requests to the appropriate application based on the URL path.
  2. Use an API Gateway to manage and route traffic between different services. API Gateways like Kong or Amazon API Gateway can help in routing requests to different backends based on the URL paths.
  3. Consider using a micro frontend architecture where each part of your application is a separate frontend application. Tools like Single-SPA or Module Federation with Webpack 5 can help integrate different frontend frameworks into a single application seamlessly.
  4. If you prefer to handle routing within your Express.js application, you can serve your Next.js app from within your Express.js server using the next package.

Each of these methods has its own advantages and complexity, so choose the one that best fits your needs and expertise.