WebThings Z-Wave adapter disappeared?

Well, I returned from a short 2-week vacation today and could not turn on/off my z-wave devices. It turns out the Z-Wave adapter was not even listed as an installed add-on (gak). In the most recent log, the addon appeared to be installed and partially operating as you could see z-wave info messages about adding them as things and inventorying them, but were “offline” in the gui and triggers would no toggle state. The RPI was rebooted to no avail will attempt to peruse previous log files to see if I can trace what went wrong.

Lucking, all I needed to do was re-install the Z-wave addon, whew… Would have been peeved if I had to reset/install those devices.

I am still running WT 1.1.0 on my production rpi. Will the new beta become official soon?

Hi @EricEdberg,

That is certainly strange. I’m not sure what would cause an add-on to disappear! I’m pleased that reinstalling the add-on fixed your issue.

Yes I’m actively working on getting gateway 1.2 from alpha to beta and then production as soon as possible.

Coincidentally the release is currently blocked on an issue with (an unreleased version of) the Z-Wave add-on, and an issue with the build system of the Zigbee add-on:

I’m aiming to get gateway 1.2 out as soon as possible because some exciting work is just about to start…

Edit: Zigbee adapter bug #343 now closed, but #344 is now blocking.

@bfrancis: Thanks for updates about possible future updaties to the Z-Wave addon. I’ll pay attention when that is available.

Looked at the log file and found the following error that occured just before I lost the zwave addon. Not sure what caused it though. Nothing in the syslog around that time…

The only thing I can think is there was a problem reading the USB disk where the docker volumn and addons reside. It appears that the system restarted . I replaced the SSD and USB a couple months ago.

2024-05-25 09:15:00.015 INFO   : zwave-adapter: setProperty property: on for: zwave-d79b7f78-2-Level valueId: 2-38-1-0 value: zw: 0 (0.0%)
2024-05-25 09:15:00.019 INFO   : zwave-adapter: setProperty property: on for: zwave-d79b7f78-3-Level valueId: 3-38-1-0 value: zw: 0 (0.0%)
2024-05-25 09:15:00.021 INFO   : zwave-adapter: setProperty property: on for: zwave-d79b7f78-4-Level valueId: 4-38-1-0 value: zw: 0 (0.0%)
2024-05-25 09:15:00.025 INFO   : zwave-adapter: setProperty property: on for: zwave-d79b7f78-7-Level valueId: 7-38-1-0 value: zw: 0 (0.0%)
2024-05-25 09:15:00.027 INFO   : zwave-adapter: setProperty property: on for: zwave-d79b7f78-6-Level valueId: 6-38-1-0 value: zw: 0 (0.0%)
2024-05-25 09:15:00.038 INFO   : zwave-adapter: setProperty property: on for: zwave-d79b7f78-9-Level valueId: 9-38-1-0 value: zw: 0 (0.0%)
2024-05-25 09:54:22.055 INFO   : [pagekite] process exited with code null
2024-05-25 09:56:15.152 INFO   : Opening database: /home/node/.webthings/log/logs.sqlite3
2024-05-25 09:56:15.923 INFO   : HTTPS server listening on port 4443
2024-05-25 09:56:15.929 INFO   : Redirector listening on port 8080
2024-05-25 09:56:16.194 DEBUG  : Ignoring https://raw.githubusercontent.com/WebThingsIO/gateway-addon-ipc-schema/master/schema.json because it has no messageType
2024-05-25 09:56:21.698 DEBUG  : Ignoring https://raw.githubusercontent.com/WebThingsIO/gateway-addon-ipc-schema/master/messages/definitions.json because it has no messageType
2024-05-25 09:56:35.616 ERROR  : Failed to load add-on x10-cm11-adapter: Error: No manifest found for add-on x10-cm11-adapter
    at Object.loadManifest (/home/node/webthings/gateway/build/addon-utils.js:284:11)
    at AddonManager.loadAddon (/home/node/webthings/gateway/build/addon-manager.js:547:44)
    at /home/node/webthings/gateway/build/addon-manager.js:635:22
    at FSReqCallback.oncomplete (fs.js:156:23)
2024-05-25 09:56:35.621 ERROR  : Failed to load add-on zwave-adapter: Error: Failed to read SHA256SUMS for add-on zwave-adapter: Error: File /home/node/.webthings/addons/zwave-adapter/openzwave/config.orig/stelpro/stzw402.xml missing for add-on zwave-adapter
    at loadManifestJson (/home/node/webthings/gateway/build/addon-utils.js:192:23)
    at Object.loadManifest (/home/node/webthings/gateway/build/addon-utils.js:282:16)
    at AddonManager.loadAddon (/home/node/webthings/gateway/build/addon-manager.js:547:44)
    at /home/node/webthings/gateway/build/addon-manager.js:635:22
    at FSReqCallback.oncomplete (fs.js:156:23)
2024-05-25 09:56:35.655 ERROR  : Error getting value for thingId: virtual-things-custom-77e70217-739b-4aae-ac2a-cee49dc4dafa property: pressed
2024-05-25 09:56:35.659 ERROR  : getProperty: device: virtual-things-custom-77e70217-739b-4aae-ac2a-cee49dc4dafa not found.

Oh well, this is the only problem I’ve had so I can’t complain. As long as I backup the docker volumn once in a while the rpi can be rebuilt quickly.