The Advent calendar (commercial version) is 24 items before day Christmas, starting December 1st
I invite you to discover the different Advent Calendar 2016, proposed by the different communities
Mozilla Francophone (France) : piloted by Christophe Villeneuve (rep) and Mozinet (referent for the communication)
Addon Firefox : https://blog.mozfr.org/post/2016/11/Grammalecte-Calendrier-Avent-Jour-1 -
Chirimen (Japan)
Firefox OS / B2G OS http://www.adventar.org/calendars/1722
A document of MDN ,B2G OS is translated by everyone https://t.co/dZgM5RDN4q
About CHRIMEN Open Hardware http://www.adventar.org/calendars/1721 -
Mozilla Hack :
If other Mozilla communities have their advent calendar, I suggest you add your own
For memory : The Advent calendar 2015, I made https://firefoxos.mozfr.org/post/2015/12/Calendrier-de-l-Avent-Firefox-OS-applications-recapitulatif