Assessement needed for HTML, Mozilla Splash Page

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Had some issues finding how to check currentsrc, and then finding a missing colon. Is there a common wording to differentiate between the working code and the raw HTML?

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Amazing work, @Proxinol

All your HTML is completely right! :medal_sports:

I donā€™t understand what you mean. Can you please explain a bit more?

See you,

Iā€™ve done some Googling and it looks like the term I was looking for was ā€˜Sourceā€™ code, I think. I felt like there was a difference between source code and live code and was asking if there was a concise way to differentiate them.

Hey there! I have a question on this portion.

When resizing the images, whatā€™s the best tool to use? It says to change width only.

For example - for ā€œfirefox_logo-only_RGB.pngā€ the original dimensions are 1200px by 900px. If I change the width to only 120px, wouldnā€™t the height get messed up?

Some software like Canva only do aspect ratio as the edit. Iā€™m stuck on finding a way to correctly size images.

Any suggestions here? @mikoMK

Cheers! Loving the code btw @Proxinol

I just used the default paint tool to resize the images and crop the red panda. Since the resizing is for art direction, I believe, we want to maintain the aspect ratio when sizing images down, so the height should go down as well.