Assessment for Asynchronous JavaScript - Sequencing animations


I want you to ask for an assessment of this task. Here is my CodePen. Isn’t using additional functions too contrived? I used them to improve readability of the code in all second versions.

Thank you in advance :slightly_smiling_face:.

Hi @842u

Amazing work. Congratulations! :medal_sports:
All your versions are correct.

It’s generally a good idea to split things up to increase readability. In the end it’s always about balancing readability and brevity. It’s nice to have short, compact code, but when in doubt rather lean toward readability. In such situations I ask myself: “Will my future self (or co-workers) easily understand this code?”

Have a nice day,


Hi @mikoMK

Thank you for your answer and tips :slight_smile:. I will try to apply them in my next workings.

Thank you and good day to you too :wave:

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