Hi! This is a compilation of all the “Test your skills” and assessments that I have attempted under this module.
Even though there is no issue when I run it through W3C HTML validator, I would appreciate any feedback or pointers on things that I might have missed.
it better to share code link not just link to the page of your code
for HTML text basics for third task no need to put strong inside em
for Links third task it better to include the pdf and size inside the text of the a element
for advanced html text second task no need to use p inside the blockquote and it better to wrap this Día de los Muertos by a span element and give it atterbuite lang value es (spanish)
for letter task
a) there special use case for a element for telephone and email check this one
b) for your question about the class did not work when used with time cause time is an inline element so align does not work for it you will learn about it later in css lesson and you will learn how to solve that also
Thank you @justsomeone for all the informative pointers. I have gone ahead and corrected them.
I am also glad that I made this post as I would probably come across the learning materials for pointer 5 much later (or never).
With regards to the last point, I did this because:
I complete 1-2 sections of a module per day, and therefore posting once or twice per day might feel spammy
It feels neater to me and allows me to track my past mistakes much easily (for example, looking at 1 post vs 5 different posts for each section of “Introduction to HTML”)
If this is frowned upon in the community, do let me know and I would change to a task/assessment per post.