Assessment for "Multimedia and embedding" module

Hello once again! Like previously, this is a compilation of all the “Test your skills” and assessments that I have attempted under this module.

Any feedback or pointers on things that I might have missed are welcome.

Images in HTML

Multimedia and embedding

Assessment: Mozilla splash page

Thank you for taking the time to read this and have a nice day :slight_smile:

Hello @NoteTaker

you doing great well done and here my notice

  1. for first one i am not sure if you got the first point or not

Add the path to the image to an appropriate attribute to embed it on the page. The image is called blueberries.jpg, and it is in a folder inside the current folder called images.

i mean the relative bath to image

hope that help and have a nice day :slight_smile:


Hi once again @justsomeone!

I commented in my code that the source of the image should have been

However, I was unable to store images in a regular folder on Glitch, so I placed them in the assets folder and obtained my file path from there instead.

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Hello @NoteTaker

ops sorry my bad did not notice the comment

well done and have a nice day :slight_smile: