Assessment needed for Advanced HTML Text

Ahoy Everyone!
Please evaluate my work on Advance HTML Text
Here is the Link to the Assessment on MDN

My work
Advance HTML Text 1

Advance HTML Text 2

Thanks in Advance :blush:

Hi @Akku_2002 , aside from a slight mistake in your <time> element in Advanced HTML text 2, everything should be right!

  • The date should be written as 2019-11-02 instead of 2019:11:02 and the same goes for the other date.

You can use the W3C HTML validator to find such mistakes in your HTML.

Also, although this is not required in the task, I would like to point out that you can wrap Día de los Muertos with a span element and use the the lang attribute, es (Spanish).

Have a nice day :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you very much sir for your correction and the link that you provided for checking the mistakes in my Html code. Your evaluation is full of knowledge.
Hoping that you will evaluate my Assessment later also.

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