Assessment needed for HTML Text Fundamentals

Wondering if anyone wants to assess the exercises from Mozilla’s Front End Web Dev Curriculum | HTML Formatting Basics Assessment | From the HTML text fundamentals article

Lumped the 3 assignments into 1 webpage with the recipe for hummus on top:

Here is my example website

and my HTML formatted code.

Edit: I saw another assessment request where the Assessor mentioned
so I tried it on my page. It caught a few errors I was able to fix. If everyone is fine with it we can count that as my assessment.

Hello @philsawa

well done and huge amount of metatag :slight_smile:

and have a nice day

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Many thanks @justsomeone! Yeah I got lazy and let Hey Meta generate all the meta tags for me.
Did notice that I forgot the favicon though. Oh well!

Take fun & have care!

you very welcome and it helpful and thanks for sharing that link to help us to fell all those meta

thanks and you too :smiley:

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:smile: No problem @justsomeone!

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