Assessment needed for marking up a letter by bennbennbenn

Hi there, if someone could assess this please, that would be helpful :slight_smile: I have no idea what ive done wrong but im struggling to get the address to align to the right, also if anything else is wrong please do let me know! thats the link to the site.


I went through your work and you have done a good job. You haven’t included an end tag for ‘div’ and that is why your sender’s address isn’t right-aligned. Few other suggestions I noticed:

  1. The entire telephone number and email are made strong instead of just the ‘telephone’ and ‘email’ words.
  2. Both address are under the same address tag. This would cause an error as adding a sender-column class to the receiver address would cause it to be right-aligned too.
  3. The end tag for the third-time element is missing.
  4. Try using p tag instead of br tag for separate paragraphs.
  5. Couldn’t find any abbreviations in your work.
  6. Error in the second superscript 3x10^3.
  7. You have put your quote in literal quote marks (" "), whereas it would be better to put it in a <q> element — this way, it is semantically marked up as an inline quote, and the browser will also insert the correct quote marks for you, depending on what language you are using (e.g. French uses different quote marks to English)

Hi there, thank you so much for the feedback, however I still can’t seem to figure out the issue with aligning the text to the right. I tried adding the end div tag but it seems to still not be working, maybe I’ve done something wrong?

hello @Bennbennbenn

you have issue in your div tags and please share your whole project so we can see your css file cause it’s looks like it not linked right with your html file

hope that help and have a nice day

@Bennbennbenn I tried your source code with the CSS file of the assignment and it works fine. Check your CSS file. I have attached the assignment’s CSS page here.

A single div tag with sender column class is sufficient and the end tag for this div should be placed after the address end tag. Hope this was helpful!

Ah, I’ve figured it out now. Thank you so much for your help!

glad to hear that and you very welcome