I went through all the instructions provided for this work but I’m not getting any output. Since I’m green to all of this I’m pretty sure I made a lot of mistakes in there.
A kind assessment and a pointer(s) to where I went wrong and how I can modify it would be very much appreciated. Thanks
Hello @yongchrismas
you doing great
- you define temperature and weight inside if statment so you can not access them cause the scope of variable https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Scope
if it inside {} then you cannot access it from outside
so check the rest of your code for those related errors
also sting is immutable so newStory.replace(":insertz:", zItem); this does not change newStory it return a new string that has the modifications
so you need to change that line to newStory = newStory.replace(":insertz:", zItem);
hope that help you to spot the tings here and have a nice day
Thanks a lot mate!
That was really helpful.
Have a great day you
you welcome and thanks