Assessment needed for structuring page content skill test

Hi there,
@justsomeone I wonder you are eating my chocolate and giving me assessment for structuring page content task with these task rules. :joy:

I love to hear from you.
Thanks again for your time and have a nice day. :heart:

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Hi @umarFaruq

Indeed, I’m not @justsomeone, but I’m gladly taking his chocolate. :grin:

Everything in your exercise looks fine. I have nothing to complain about.
Keep up the great work!

Have a nice day,


elslamo alikom @umarFaruq

sorry for late replay

looks like you get assested by the boss @mikoMK

@mikoMK not cause you the boss that would make it fine to take those chocolate
bring them baaaaack


and have a nice day both of you :slight_smile:


Walaikums Salam and Thanks to both of you @mikoMK and @justsomeone.
Have a nice day to you both :heartbeat:.

This reminds me my all-time favorite Forrest Gump’s chocolate scene and that dialogue

Life is like a box of chocolates :chocolate_bar::chocolate_bar:, you never know what you’re going to get.

Hahaha :joy: lovely