Task - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/CSS/Building_blocks/Tables_tasks
Solution - https://codepen.io/atandoniitr/pen/abvLzRd
I’ve replicated the style in the task successfully but I wanted to know if I could align columns in a better way or with more intuitive code.
Hi @tandonaman20! Welcome to the community, and thanks for sending in your code! I’ve had a look, and your solution seems pretty reasonable. I reckon you could probably find a more efficient solution than all of those chained nth-child
Tell you what, have a look at our official answer, and compare and contrast: https://github.com/mdn/css-examples/blob/master/learn/tasks/tables/marking.md
Well done on some good work here.
Thanks a lot for feedback @chrisdavidmills.