Assessment wanted for "A cool-looking box" assessment

I Could’nt set the semi-transparent black gradient as briefed in project requirements. Also, I think I’ve made a few mistakes with the multiple box-shadows. Seriously need help. Thank you in advance. Here are my,

code pen link
task link

Figured out the solution. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Hi @Dinesh_Sake

Sorry for the long waiting. I had your tasks bookmarked to not forget them. Just no time to assess them, yet. Let’s go! :smiley:

Everything seems correct including the box-shadows.
Only one little note: rgb() with alpha values isn’t supported on Internet Explorer. If you need IE support you could alternatively use rgba() with comma-separated values.



I Did the suggested changes. Thank you so much for the tip. Also no need to feel sorry, you can take as much time as you want to reply to my queries. Thank you again Sir.