Assessment wanted for Advanced HTML text Task 1 -2

Task 1

Task 2

Thank you!

Hi @das.serban and welcome to the community :wave:

Nice work on your first exercises.

Here are my comment:

  • Task 1: :white_check_mark: Correct.
  • Task 2: :warning: Mostly correct.
    • Since the <blockquote> is already a block element, you can remove the <p> around it.
    • The first date is missing the <time> element. The second one is correct.

I hope that helps. Keep up the great work.

Have a nice day,

PS: Your email address is visible in your post. It ended up in the optional “name” field of your profile. I recommend removing it.

Thank you for your comment! I will try to do my best!

P.S. I change my name account. :+1: :+1:

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