Assessment wanted for Loops skill tests

could you please review my code for loops test?

Hi @bedribulut

Congratulations! Everything is correct.

I see you have used the three traditional loops. When looping over an array it’s often easier to use the more modern for...of loop.

For example in task 2 you could use for (const entry of phonebook) { and replace phonebook[i] with entry in the loop body.

Have a nice day,

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thank you so much @mikoMK
actually I completed the tasks with what I learnt in the module. I have not studied for modern loops detailedly therefore I have not known that there would be a modern way.
I appreciate for you informing me.

have a nice day too.

You’re welcome!

It seems we do introduce it in “Looping through a collection”:

And further down we mention it under “Which loop type should you use”:

That being said, there’s nothing wrong with using traditional loops. :slightly_smiling_face:

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