Assessment wanted for Marking up a letter - rb

I have just started with the MDN’s front-end developer pathway.
I am currently having difficulty putting the ‘Dr. Eleanor Gaye’s’ profile aside.
Also, it would be awesome if you could assess the mark up letter.
Thank you!

Hi @rabbit1207 and welcome to the community :wave:

Nice work. :+1:

Here are some comments:

  • For the two blocks with addresses and contact information the <address> tag would be more appropriate.
  • You don’t need the <aside> element. To align the address and the date you should assign the “sender-column” class to their block. For example <address class="sender-column">.
  • <strong> is preferred over <b> because it also has the meaning of importance.
  • When using <abbr> you should spell out the abbreviation in the title attribute. For example <abbr title="Doctor of Philosophy">PhD</abbr>.
  • The structure for the description list should be:
      <!-- and so on ... -->
  • On the last line, you should use <q> around the quote and <cite> around its source.

That’s it. Everything else looks fine. If you have any more questions or exercises, feel free to come back. I’m happy to help. :slightly_smiling_face:

Have a nice day,