Hello, @chrisdavidmills,
Kindly look into this topic.
Good Day…!!
Looking good, @Coder_In_Progress. Just a couple of comments:
In the second test, I think the color you want is lightgrey
. This is a total nitpick, so don’t worry about this
In the third test, you probably don’t need
h2 {
column-span: all;
yes that was light grey just noticed it.
Thank you for ur quick replies and thanks alott for motivating me.
That helps me to work more on my skills.(I am very naive in them )
Good Day…!!
Hey, you know more than you think — keep learning, keep rocking the code!
although you’ve replied to this guy, i found your post super helpful for myself for my site - https://delicerecipes.com/baked-cheesy-zucchini-casserole/ . thanks.
coder, will you share the final result?