Hello everyone,
I would like to share my personal protfolio webpage built with html and css as a part of my learning journey.
It was the latest project of freecodecamp’s RWD curriculum.
It is my pleasure to see your assessment if you have time to review the code.
I completed all the tasks and have been certified.
Hello @bedribulut
wow congratulations well done i will check the code later but wanted to congratulate you for the certificate 
and have a nice day 
thank you so much!
have a nice day too.
you very welcome and thanks a lot
here my notice
i do not know about svg so thanks for letting me know about it but it’s size is set to 0 width and 0 height and when i change that it does not render any thing in the page just reserve the new size so you sure of the def code
you can use header element to wrap the svg and the nav element inside it
it would be better to put all those style code in the css file not in html
thanks for letting me know about awesome font sites
thanks for letting me know about :root
could you think of way to solve it without media 
by the way i am just learner same as you so i could be wrong
and have a nice day 
I do appreciate for your feedback.
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