Assessment wanted for Structuring planet data - Unknown text in between <h1> and <table>

Planet Data

I have checked the HTML code and still couldn’t find out why the “gest planet” text is appearing in between


tag. Could you please help me with this.

Hi there @Tejas-Teju!

your code looks really good, well done.

As for the rogue text, if you search your source code you’ll find the text “gest planet” sitting outside your HTML structure somewhere in the 5th row. I guess it just ended up there by accident. Since it is not inside a table cell element, the browser seems to have decided to dump it outside the table altogether!

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Planet Data

I have checked the HTML code and still couldn’t find out why the “gest planet” text is appearing in between <h1></h1> and <table></table> tag.

Hi @chrisdavidmills,

Thanks for the appreciation it keeps me motivated to learn more and more.

Anyways, I could figure out the mistake which was done by me. The problem was with the <td></td> tag in Jupiter (row) and notes (column) I mistakenly placed some text outside the <td></td> tag so, that ended up outside the <table></table> tag. I corrected it and all looks cool!!

Thank you so much @chrisdavidmills I really appreciate your efforts in helping and motivating us.

You are welcome! I am glad I can be helpful.