Assessment wanted for Test your skills: Grid - Tasks 1 - 4 πŸ™πŸΎ

Hi there. Please would you give me feedback on the following tasks? Thank you.

Given tasks:


Task 2:


Task 4:

Hi @vusithedev

Top tier code on these tasks. Congrats!
The only tiny thing I see is that in task 4 the tags aren’t centered like in the solution image. Can you think of the correct property to achieve this?

You could also just use flex-wrap: wrap; instead of flex-flow: row wrap; because row is the default value for the direction.

I hope that helps. :slightly_smiling_face:


Hi Michael

Thanks for pointing that out. I would use

justify-content: center;

on the .tags rule to get them centered horizontally.

Thanks for all the help :pray:t5:

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You’re welcome. :slightly_smiling_face:

Yes, this is correct.