Assessment Wanted - HTML - Marking Up a Letter

I put my code on Github, should I use a different service in the future?

Everything validated in W3C’s Validator, but I have concerns. Getting rid of the bullets for the right-aligned address without touching the CSS was a curve ball, in future assessments, should I just go ahead and edit the CSS, or did that even need to be a list? Also, the final quotation passed validation, but I feel like I should have linked the to the somehow via nesting, or a or something.

Hi @again, @Proxinol

Nice work on this exercise.

Here are some comments:

  • You don’t need <p> inside <address>.
  • I wouldn’t use a list for the tel and email. Just use line breaks like above.
  • The quote and its source is correctly marked up.

For the tasks in the HTML lessons editing the CSS should never be necessary, but is always allowed if you decide to tweak the exercise a little. :wink:

It’s fine to use GitHub. For future exercises you could activate a cool feature called: “GitHub Pages”. This will automatically deploy your code to your personal GitHub page. When you post more exercises you can give us both URLs (Repo and GitHub Pages) and we are also able to see the working code.

See you,

PS: Your email address is visible in your post. It ended up in the optional “name” field of your profile. I recommend removing it.