Belajar html dasar

disini saya menggunakan codepen :

Hello @agis_maulana

you doing great well done just some notice here :

  1. you missed this point Use appropriate document structure including doctype, and <html>, <head> and <body> elements.

  2. you should use the full css code that provided to you

3)no need to use list in the address you can use br to add new line

  1. the date on the first item should be out of the address element and wrap it with p element and give this p element the same class as the address

  2. use the same thing with the second address

  3. in your code you used h3 without using any h2 or h1 you should not escape heading that general rule

  4. you should use the test in the letters that provided as there many things required that based on it or if you like to translate it then it fine but at least translate the whole letter

  5. in your future post it will be better to include a link to the task or topic you asking about so it be easier to find it

and have a nice day :slight_smile:

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