Can't load customized experimental extension on Developer Edition

I’m playing with the webextension experimental. The document is here

The most simplified hello world extension is works fine. But the demo of the logins is failed. The error message from the client webextension addon is browser.logins is undefined.

I have also tried to add a function to the hello world demo. But the additional function is undefined from the client side.

My questions are

  1. Does the experimental mechanism still works?
  2. Is there a document for the schema.json?

The reason is found. Currently we have to uninstall the experimental extension and then restart Firefox again to let the browser reinstall the extension. Otherwise the new changed code will not be reflected to the browser. Wish this will help any other people.

Still have the second question. Is there a documentation for the schema.json file? Current I have to compare with the syntax with the examples. Sometime this will lead to a fault schema.

Thanks in advance.

  1. I also see this problem in the past and just, filled
  2. +1, it is very difficult to understand and troubleshoot.