Today I went crazy and opened the Staff Yammer after months ignoring it
These is a very interesting conversation by @yoric there about having a tool were mozillians can suggest new features/changes to products (I see it as a mozmoderator for features). I took the liberty to c&p the proposal here where we can get more open feedback:
What if we had a public channel & protocol for any Mozillian to pitch new features?
Expected benefits:
- making Mozilla more visibly transparent;
- improving morale;
- improving community interactions;
- surfacing good ideas;
- surfacing ideas specific to locales that are not currently represented by Product Management (i.e. most of the world).
One possible protocol (which can certainly be improved):
1/ Any Mozillian with at least 3 vouches can pitch an idea;
2/ To Pitch an idea, write a document (or, even better, a webpage or github README) that answers the following questions:
- what do you propose?
- how does it benefit users?
- how does it fit in with Mozillaâs values?
3/ Once the Pitch is ready, submit it to some service of;
4/ Any Mozillian with at least 3 vouches can comment on the Pitch vote on- is the Pitch ready or should it be reworked?
- does the Pitch benefit users?
- does the Pitch fit in with Mozillaâs values?
4/ Product Management is expected to keep a lookout, regularly read the best ranked Pitches and respond within a reasonable amount of time.
I think this is a great idea to improve participation at Mozilla