Child_process package for Node.JS NPM unavailable

Hey Guys,
just a quick finding… attempted to download deepspeech via npm and ran into a road block with the child_process npm package.

it’s on hold right now for some reason, this could be an issue in the future if this package is on hold.

Just thought I’d Share, very excited to test some things out with mozilla deepspeech

This is not a direct dependency from us:

"dependencies"  : {
      "node-pre-gyp": "0.13.x",
      "argparse": "1.0.x",
      "sox-stream": "2.0.x",
      "memory-stream": "0.0.3",
      "node-wav": "0.0.2"
1 Like

Thank you! Will try it again and build it correctly

Well, it might come from another dependency, I’m not very used to the NodeJS world, but if you share more details maybe we can see. Maybe there’s a fix to apply / dependency to change on our side?

Yes, the Sox-Stream module depends on it

That’s not what I see here: