Could you tell me if conbee II works with current docker image?
container can’t find any adapter.
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The container needs to be told which serial port to use.
I had to add --device=/dev/ttyACM1 to my docker run command since my ConBee II was on /dev/ttyACM1
I have a script called which you can use to help find the ConBee port.
You can run -l to list the ports:
USB Serial Device 0658:0200 with vendor '0658' found @/dev/ttyACM0
USB Serial Device 1cf1:0030 with vendor 'dresden_elektronik_ingenieurtechnik_GmbH' serial 'DE1948475' found @/dev/ttyACM1
You can then use: --vid 1cf1 --pid 0030
If you run the above you should see something like this:
$ --vid 1cf1 --pid 0030
You can then create a bash script to start your docker container. My script looks like this:
docker run \
-d \
--rm \
-v /home/dhylands/moziot/gateway-docker/.mozilla-iot:/home/node/.mozilla-iot \
--net=host \
--name mozilla-iot-gateway \
--device=$( --vid 1cf1 --pid 0030) \
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Thanks a lot.
your python tool is useful
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