#Notes from the Mozilla Reps Council meeting on 2015/02/11 02:30:00 PM.
- Nukeador
- Ankitgadgil
- Emmairwin
###New mentors
- A voting process on new selection of mentors was successfully completed by the council and agreed upon the new batch of mentors.
- The council will now work on contacting the new selected mentors for their availability to take up the new role.
- (Also a Wiki for mentor selection, requirements is in process.)
###Paris leadership meetup
- The Reps council and peers are meeting in Paris in mid March to take discussions and discuss on various ongoing & future programs/projects for reps.
- As a rep you are encouraged to let the council know if you have any ideas or thoughts worth sharing.
###Bangladesh Community health
- Community health and Reps positions in Bangladesh were discussed.
- The council will be working with Gen Kanai and Brian King on this.
###Emails to the council
- Documentation platform selections,
- Decision making system,
- Suggestion of having private council conversation agenda 7 days in advance
The council is in discussion on these topics, some of them are ongoing action items.
###Over budget Events
- The council discussed about events which are over-budget in accordance to the impact they make.
- Working with various projects teams (like [[Webmaker]] and Hive) to understand factors for events:
- What are impactful events
- How and when to sponsor travel budgets
- What is a good budget amount referring the promised impact
- Wiki info page on these topics
###Mozilla Reps Application Form
- Changing the select box for “Sex” to “Gender” to make the question more about identity and less about biology.
- The council agrees and will work with the [http://bugzilla.mozilla.org Bugzilla] team on the same.
###Mozspace Pilots
- The council is working on a policy for deciding the best criteria on pilots for Mozspaces.