Notes from the Mozilla Reps Council meeting on
2015/03/14 05:00:00 PM UTC.
- Rosana
- Nukeador
- Arturo
- Konstantina
- San James
- Ankit
- Luis
- Emma
New mentors announcement:
- Email with names of new mentors has been shared with the Reps Mentors.
- This news will soon be made public on Reps General as well.
- New mentors have been assigned with tasks and mentees.
Community proposals draft:
- The council reviewed the suggestions and comments from mentors.
- The draft is now ready to be shared with Reps for more feedback.
Status with Community IT SOP:
- The council reviewed the draft and agreed upon discussions with the community IT team.
- With the consent of the IT team, the draft will be made public.
FSA events:
- The council discussed upon the question:
Should Reps budget sponsor FSA events?
- The outcome of the discussion:
Reps Budget funds events depending upon impact, goals and matrices.
Display bug url on voting pages ( pages):
- The council agreed on the need of bug url on voting pages for budgets
Reviewing the Weekly budgets:
- The council in an efficient way discussed and reviewed the weeks budgets.