Reps Council Meeting
Date: Wednesday, 9th March 2016
Time: 15:30 UTC
Members Present in the Meeting
Michael, Shahid, Umesh, Christos, Ruben, Faisal (Chair),Arturo, Rara , Rosana,
Guest: Michael Henretty
1. Reps innovation Fund:
Council continued the discussion on Reps Innovation fund, Rosana and Michael Henretty joined council meeting to provide insight over next steps in Reps innovation fund.
Rosana & Michael Henretty presented an Experiment Canvas to demonstrate the format for applications under reps innovation fund.
Council discussed next steps of selecting members for decision making committee and issues like commitment of committee members, time, council part and diversity in decision making committee.
Council discussed how the fund would be allocated with respect to project’s progress and impact.
2.Evolution of the Reps program
- Track owners informed council with current status of their tracks.
- Council discussed challenges and bottlenecks for some tracks.Draft for some tracks are in final stages and expected in house next week.
- Rest tracks are making progress with meetings and surveys .
3. Assign Mentors to Pending Applications
- Council discussed about awaited applications queue and provided consent to proceed with mentor assignments for applications that already have references.
- Council decided to assign new applications to mentors having less than 10 mentees in total.
For any further information or help, please don’t hesitate to contact us at
Faisal Aziz
On behalf of the Reps Council