CSS File missing for Structuring a page of content


There is a CSS file missing in the zip file when I want to complete the assessment for structuring the page of content. Can you please check this.

Thank you.

Hi @saida_reddy and welcome to the community :wave:

I just downloaded the zip file and it contains the CSS file in the “assets” folder:

This is from the English page. Are you referring to another language?

Have a nice day,

Hey Michael,

Thank you for your quick response. I have found the error, I have been extracting the zip file in the wrong way. I have found the CSS file now. Thank you for your help.

Have a good day :slight_smile:

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You’re welcome. :slightly_smiling_face:

If you have any questions about the exercises or want us to have a look at your solutions, just come back and we are happy to help.