Hi, I am a researcher and am trying to install DeepSpeech to simplify and speed up transcription of audio recordings of interviews. I have managed to install deepspeech based on some guidelines I found on the web.
When I try to run deepspeech, I get some confusing errors:
deepspeech --model models/output_graph.pbmm --alphabet models/alphabt.txt --lm models/lm.binary --trie models/trie --audio interviewCloete.wav
Output: usage: deepspeech [-h] --model MODEL [–scorer SCORER] --audio AUDIO
[–beam_width BEAM_WIDTH] [–lm_alpha LM_ALPHA]
[–lm_beta LM_BETA] [–version] [–extended] [–json]
[–candidate_transcripts CANDIDATE_TRANSCRIPTS]
deepspeech: error: ambiguous option: --lm could match --lm_alpha, --lm_beta
I then specified lm_alpha:
deepspeech --model models/output_graph.pbmm --alphabet models/alphabt.txt --lm_alpha models/lm.binary --trie models/trie --audio interviewCloete.wav
I then get the following output:
usage: deepspeech [-h] --model MODEL [–scorer SCORER] --audio AUDIO
[–beam_width BEAM_WIDTH] [–lm_alpha LM_ALPHA]
[–lm_beta LM_BETA] [–version] [–extended] [–json]
[–candidate_transcripts CANDIDATE_TRANSCRIPTS]
deepspeech: error: argument --lm_alpha: invalid float value: ‘models/lm.binary’
I am not a coder or a hacker, so I don’t know how to resolve this. Can anyone assist?
Many thanks in advance!
((slow to reply) [NOT PROVIDING SUPPORT])
Have you read the output ? There is no --lm option, please use the documented --scorer.
It really looks like you are applying instructions from a different release …
when I run the commands modified:
deepspeech --model models/output_graph.pbmm --alphabet models/alphabet.txt --scorer models/lm.binary --trie models/trie --audio interviewCloete.wav
I get: error: unrecognized arguments: --alphabet models/alphabet.txt --trie models/trie
((slow to reply) [NOT PROVIDING SUPPORT])
ok thanks am downloading the relevant pre-trained models
will give it a go when that is done, using the commands in the link you provided.
as I am running v 0.7.1, do I have to download models only for v0.7.1 or can I use v0.7.0 as reflected in the documentation?
ok so I have downleaded these model files and dropped them into the directory with the other deepspeech files. when I run the command:
./deepspeech --model deepspeech-0.7.0-models.pbmm --scorer deepspeech-0.7.0-models.scorer --audio interviewCloete.wav
I get:
bash: ./deepspeech: No such file or directory
I’m stumped…not sure how to proceed