Extension is not marked as compatible with Multi Process

I had sumbitted by app for review and twice its been on a long que with a warning message stating the below mentioned error.

My que position is - 80/ 193.


Can anyone guide me.



Extension is not marked as compatible with Multi Process
Warning: Your extension is not marked as compatible with Multi-Process Firefox and may not work in future versions of Firefox. Please review it, make changes if needed and set multiprocess to true in package.json if it’s compatible. See https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Mozilla/Add-ons/SDK/Guides/Multiprocess_Firefox_and_the_SDK for more information.

To make your add-on compatible with Firefox in the long term, you should look into using WebExtensions. There is a comparison chart with the SDK on MDN.

Otherwise, the link you posted should help you make your SDK add-on compatible with multiprocess.