FAILED Other Firefox extensions on

On each Firefox extension page, I see the same Firefox extensions again and again as “Other popular extensions”!

Why I see not my Firefox extensions?

Or other Firefox extensions in the list?

Please fix this issue!


Hi there. What you’re seeing is a new content promotional module we’re currently A/B testing on AMO. It’s been running since 25 May and will likely wrap up soon, but a precise end date has not been determined.

Here’s the basic idea of the A/B experiment running across all AMO extension listing pages…

Group A sees a module titled “Users with this extension also installed” and that module shows the top four co-installed extensions associated with whatever extension’s page you’re on. So for example, users in test group A who are Turn Off the Light’s listing page, they will see the top four extensions installed by other Turn Off the Lights users.

Group B (the one you’re in) sees a module titled “Other popular extensions”; this is our “control” group and yes, they see the same four extensions in the module.

If the experiment goes well (it’s looking very promising, as users group A are engaging with the recommended content), we’ll explore rolling this feature out full-time on AMO.