Feature proposition : add badge if code of addon-on is opensource

Sometimes I prefer an add-on that is opensource on github or other.
A badge like the “recommended”, “reviewed”, etc cloud be helpful for those who search just that…

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Sadly, there is no guarantee that author uploaded the same version to the store. And even if it is the same, a minified file may appear out of nowhere from a new owner, like with Nano Defender which was sold to a 3rd party.

It’s important that you trust the author of the addon, but that can be hard to tell.
I wonder what will Google do with their upcoming badges:

An f-droid style model (where the store builds from source & signs) would be extremely cool, but also clearly out of scope for anything AMO would provide.

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Actually this sounds like a great idea and maybe not that hard to do at all:

  • user would provide link to repository
  • it would automatically disable manual file release
  • it would monitor changes and automatically release every new push to the master that has a new version number (or some other way, I’m sure there is some good mechanism for tracking new releases)
  • the build system could run some npm i followed by npm run build_addon (or use some built-in github feature)
  • it would give addon a new badge “Built from Open-source
  • the end!

Sounds like a job for one skilled developer for a few weeks.
The main problem, how to “sell” this to the management here :frowning:.