I’ve been extending the Express + MongoDB “Local Library” sample application. I copied and modified book_list to create a page that shows the list of books with a search form. The search form is just a text box and a submit button.
// Books home POST (search results)
exports.books_home_post = function (req, res, next) {
var moduleName = 'Books' + req.body.search_term;
Book.find({ title: /^req.body.search_term/}, 'title author')
.sort({ title: 1 })
.exec(function (err, bookList) {
if (err) {return next(err); }
res.render('books_home', { title: moduleName, book_list: bookList });
book_list is empty on return, but the assignment and later display of var moduleName shows that req.body.search_term does contain the search term.
Also, if I use Book.find({ title: /^some_unquoted_string/}, ‘title author’) it does work and book_list returns only the books with the unquote string in the title. Somehow, I need to indicate that req.body.search_term is not a literal string but the name of a property. Not sure how to do that, though.