Also, you’re not specifying a batch size, which means it’s using the default of 1. You should tune it to a bigger value that still fits within your GPU memory.
@lissyx@reuben Thanks for your reply.
TIMIT database is around 4.5 hours .My GPU is GeForce GTX 1080ti with 2 GPU cards 11GB each.
What is the best batch size to be specified?
((slow to reply) [NOT PROVIDING SUPPORT])
As documented, batch size depends on your hardware and dataset, we can’t help more.
((slow to reply) [NOT PROVIDING SUPPORT])
So 4.5h of audio, I’m not sure how much fine tuning you can get. That being said, with 2x 1080Ti with appropriately set batch size, I think it should not take more the 30 min. But again, that depends on your hardware, you only shared GPUs…