Dear friends,
In brief: the max supported Firefox version in my extension (FireShot) is set to 55.* in the AMO control panel, but FireShot is disabled on many client computers since the latest Firefox update to 54.0.1.
My last update to the extension (FireShot, was about 10 months ago, so the Max version in the install.rdf for Firefox was set to 49. I regularly visited my AMO store and altered the Max version to support the latest Firefox release. Since the 54.0.1 update some users started complaining, that FireShot was disabled, because it is not compatible to the latest Firefox version, however I set the Max supported version to 55.* 3 weeks ago. The manual update does not help. Removing extension, and adding it over from AMO does not work either (same “incompatible” error).
Am I missing something? Why does Firefox thinks, that FireShot is not compatible and does not take into account the altered Max version in the AMO control panel?