Hi there,
hope all are well.
I want your help to assess my HTML images skill test against MDN skill test topic.
Hope for good, hope for the best. Thanks in advance.
Cheers to @mikoMK
Hi there,
hope all are well.
I want your help to assess my HTML images skill test against MDN skill test topic.
Hope for good, hope for the best. Thanks in advance.
Cheers to @mikoMK
elslamo alikom @umarFaruq
sorry for late replay but it will take a while as there many old post from others that did not assested yet
and thanks for the chocolate
and have a nice day both of you
elslamo alikom @umarFaruq
you doing great well done and here my notice :
what will be the src
for the image in case you solve it in the code editor in the page of the task
a) alt is read by screen reader for people who has vision issue
b) title is just used only when user hover his/her mouse on the image
check those for more details
hope you did not be sad when i did not assesst it eariler just did not want others to know my weak point against chocolate and they could feel they ignored
hope that help and have a nice day
Walaikums Salam @justsomeone.
Thanks for your time and evaluation.
Hope you are well.
Here is the response of your notices:
Well, I have tried that in the page of the task and it was like:
<img src="images/blueberries.jpg">
I got that, I’ve also read a very helpful article about this attribute linked in the guide as an additional resource and understood its accessibility issue. So, I have switched both attribute value. Does it solve? Take a second look please, if possible.
Thanks for your linking resources.
No, I was not. I understand your situation and responsibility. You are a great person. So I was basically waiting and watching. On the other hand, I was continuing on my learning path and now I am on the table module.
I guess you’ve already realized that you’ve lot of favor/work to do for us. So here’s your chocolate pal,
and keep it secret so that boss @mikoMK wouldn’t grab it before.
have a nice day, both of you…
eslamo alikom @umarFaruq
well done
looks like you did not save the change you made
thanks a lot for your nice words and glad to see you going forward on your path
loool i could share some with @mikoMK
thanks a lot and you too
Walaikumus salam @justsomeone.
Yeah, that was the case. Now, I save the change. You can take a look if you wish.
Sweet, that’s very nice of you.
Thanks again pal
well done @umarFaruq
thanks for your nice words @umarFaruq
i share the chocolate so he share his pizza with me
you mean i take a slide to put it for you on your plate and i take the rest right
It’s delicious OMG, my favorite.
It seems you both @mikoMK @justsomeone out sided me to take a bite on my most favorite food. Am I too late?
Where is my share of the food? Can’t I get a slide? Noooo…
@justsomeone Gimme a slide right now, else I’ll eat your chocolate
and never give you in future
lool ops