Help wanted for Document and website structure: about how to plan a simple website

How to plan a simple website is written in “Document and website structure(Planning a simple website)”. My problem is that I can’t understand what to do at 3 and 4. I have compared them with 5 many times, but I still don’t understand that. What should I do at these stages? What is the defference between what to do at 3 and what to do at 4? Is there anyone who could explain by a simpler example?

At least it looks like…

  • the contents I should to think at these stages are not related to the contents which is common to every page.
  • they are not the stages which decides the location strictly.

hello @user-p

for 3
Now, brainstorm all the other (not common to every page) content you want to have on your website — write a big list down.

it mean you write all the thing you need but not common mean not the navigation bar or the footer of the page
so maybe you thing that you need image of product some video description or product maybe some payment related stuff which lanague your site would be available for and so on

for this
Next, try to sort all these content items into groups, to give you an idea of what parts might live together on different pages. This is very similar to a technique called Card sorting.

it mean you group each related thing together so for payment you would group it with which currency you would accept the payment and if you would accept crypto and which card accepted how the tax will be calculated and so on

hope that help and have a nice day :slight_smile:


Hi @justsomeone, I appreciate your help.

Let’s say I wanted to create a very simple place which I only show photos.

  • common to every page
  • index.html
        <li><a href="photo-1.html"></a>photo-1</li>
        <li><a href="photo-2.html"></a>photo-2</li>
        <!--photo-3,photo-4, photo-5......-->
  • photo-n(n=1,2,3…).html
            <li><a href="index.html">index</a></li>
        <img src="photo-n.jpg" width="100" height="100" alt="">

I thought about something like the following things at each stage:
3. I need the following contents: a list of links of each photo page, photo, the name of a photo, the explanation of a photo, a link to return to index.html from each photo page
4. They are related to the place which I show the photos: the name of a photo, the explanation of a photo, photo, it is related to a navigation bar:a link to return to index.html from each photo page, and a list of links of each photo page.

Did I follow the procedure?

Hello @user-p

i hope you do not mind i change the example
let think of amazon you woulld need product image desc return policy payment method cart accepted card
for step 3

for step 4 you will group the payment stuff together like the accepted card and cart
and product and it’s image and desc and so on together

you would need


Structure of a simple web site
A. Header
B. Body
C footer

A header.
Navigation: links to special pages like login, purchase, home etc.

B. Body content
Can be divided into two
Right side and left side in ratio of 70% : 30% of any of your choice.
Divide into section furthere

C. footer
Navigation to some pages like about, privacy, terms etc.
There are more to this…

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Don’t worry, I appreciate your help.
Don’t worry, this example was created just for this question, but thanks.

you very welcome @user-p

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