I’m not sure about what the slot width means. How can I decide the value? I think I need that, when I add responsive images to the further info links in “Mozilla splash page”. I’ve not read the English version of “Responsive images” enough, but I read the following sentence at least:
Load the image referenced in the srcset list that has the same size as the slot or, if there isn’t one, the first image that is bigger than the chosen slot size.
In other words, I don’t understand why the image which is smaller than the chosen slot size can’t be loaded.
when you get to css and the layout lesson that would be explained in better way but for now
each element can be thought as box and the browser display each element in it’s box (ignore how those boxes displayed for now)
if you checked the css code you would notice the img has this value
img {
max-width: 100%;
that how the img box / slot is calculated it mean the image box will be no more bigger than 100% of the screen but could be 40 or 80 that depend on the excat dimention of the image so it the exact dimention of image is less that 100 % then it will use it if the image is bigger than this 100% then it will scale it down
just imagine you choose the small one and you needed to need to scale it up based on the slot size try to choose width instead or max-width and you will see that image scale up and get pixeled
and there other consideration and attribute affect that but you will get it in css part
let me know if i need to explain it in better way and have a nice day
Hi @justsomeone, I appreciate your help.
I’m really sorry, but probaly I can’t make use of the explanation well ( it may be difficult to solve this question only by the explanation).
I’ve certainly not read the css module yet, but I already have some knowledge about css. It may be possible to solve this problem more efficiently if you could tell me the page/module which apply to this question in Learn to style HTML using CSS.
and even those lesson has pre requirement so in my humble opanion let it till you get to the css part
in programing or any thing you learn it hard that the author explain everything at once cause there many factor and if he did it everyone will get lost that why you sometime get some info for grant till you get better knowledge
but if you like you have the links and have a nice day