I recently published an addon to the store, with a default key assigned. I’ve used a privacy focussed minimal analytics tool counter[.]dev to analyze number of pop-up opens.
The problem is internal UUID changes when tested on multiple devices, and each UUID is calculated as a new website.
Is it the issue with the analytic tool or is that how analytics for firefox extensions work.
Is there any analytics tool any of you could suggest. I dont’ need much, very minimal basic is enough.
I already have an extension id I submitted through browser_specific_setting.
My problem is that, since it’s the UUID that loads the custom page, the analytics calculate that ID as a new website. Image below .
So my analytic tool sees this ID as a new website. When 5 different people install, I have 5 new website data.
That’s what I want to know whether those who use analytics get these as seperate websites, or is there a tool where I can see them as one single site.