Hye,there,I’m here with this code in where I can’t find why my balls changed color when when a collision is not detected . And my count machine also had problem,the number is double of it should be.Someone could tell me why? Tks man!
the page is not found @793041663
maybe the link is not valid or it require permission idk
have a nice day
sorry,i will check,mayme it was in my personal page.
it’s ok do not be sorry
you are so nice.
no i am not i am just good pretender shhh do not tell anyone my secret hehehh
the ball change color even if there are no collision when ball exists is false it still there but simply its not displayed on screen that why it affect other ball
check Ball.prototype.collisionDetect function to overcome this check if ball exist before changing the color
i do not understand what you men by that “alsohad problem,the number is double of it should be.”
hope that clear part of it have a nice day
i will check again,thanks a lot,have a nice day.
you very welcome and thanks
hello @793041663 Hey Friend i want contact with you i also learning that so we can each other to help can you share with me your number or any other social media id so we can talk there.