I just tried to complete the “Creating fancy letterheaded paper test” but I am just stuck with two issues.
I do appreciate for your valuable help and assessment for the rest of my code beforehand.
here is my code on codepen.
my first issue is that I just could not get the solution for a semi transparent gradient which is slightly dark near the top and bottom, but completely transparent for a larger part of the center.
in my opinion, I should utilize radial-gradient to achieve this but I just could not figure it out by using cssgradient.io
second issue is that if any browser does not support background-image propery, how can I add the “top-image” as a fallback? is not it fact that I just can add a background-color as a fallback instead of background-image?
Thank you again for your interest and patience for my “simple issues”
the site allow you to add extra part so think of the ruler as 100% of whatever the item you would apply this gradient to it in our case would be the whole page now think of this 0% to be start of the page and 25% (or any value ) to be first part then from 25 to 80 to be second part and so on
so just click on the ruler to split it to 3 parts one will be on top then next one will be middle and third one will be the bottom of the page