"I don't care about cookies" doesn't work - but other addons do?


I am aware of the current problem with certificates but I get complains related to my addons, like this one:

“After a hotfix, all addons are now running again but with the exception of „I don’t care about cookies“. What is the reason it has been disabled by firefox?”

Do I have to do something or will the firefox team sort thing out eventually? Do the other addons really work again and if so, why mine doesn’t?


If you don’t have an explicit ID specified in your manfiest.json it is possible that your users are running into https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1549129

I do have the ID specified, it’s not that.

No idea then, for anything related to the incident you as developer shouldn’t have to take any manual action as far as I’m aware.

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