Inconsistent viewport meta tag

Responsive design - Learn web development | MDN introduces the viewport meta tag in detail and says

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">

So you should always include the above line of HTML in the head of your documents.

however, in the right next article, it introduces the viewport meta tag again as it is not introduced before and it uses this

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width">

so initial-scale=1 is not important or optional?

Hello @Xu_Chunyang

hope that everything going fine with you

initial-scale=1 is important cause it set the zoom level to 1 so user can zoom if he/she like

i think it was typeing error

Hello @chrisdavidmills

could you help us here or update the article if it need it

thanks for both of you and have a nice day

@Xu_Chunyang @justsomeone Thanks for bringing this up — I think it is good to be consistent; others have probably been confused by this too, and what the different might mean.

I’ve edited the second page so that it uses the same content value as the first.

thanks a lot @chrisdavidmills you are our hero :slight_smile: