Instructions for Using the Command-Line client Unclear (Deep Speech v0.6.1)

Hello, I’m really new to DeepSpeech so I apologize if I’m asking something very trivial.

I’m trying to install the command-line client on my MacOS. Following the tutorial here:

  • I set up a virtual environment
  • activated it
  • ran '$ pip3 install deepspeech'
  • defaulted to deepspeech-0.6.1-cp37-cp37m-macosx_10_10_x86_64.whl

all seemed well in the world, except that my install is missing util/ which I seem to need for the command-line client. What gives?

Please read carefully, this is a list of different ways to get CLI to run inference.
You already have installed the Python one.
The util/ tool is only useful to make it easier to get latest C++ version, so you don’t need it except if you want to use C++ binary client.

I did eventually figure out I could download these directly using the native_client.[VERSION].tar.xz releases, but that could have been a lot clearer (as the only place that told me this was a footnote within the 0.6.1 release.

Thanks anyway.

We offer multiple ways to use it, it’s hard to be perfectly clear. Please file issues or send PR if you have better wording to suggest.